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JCC President attends the 16th Annual Dialogue with FJCCIA and Secretary-General of ASEAN

On July 17th, Mr. TO Kozo, JCC President (from Sumitomo Corporation (Thailand) Ltd.) attended the 16th Annual Dialogue between Dr. Kao Kim Hourn, the Secretary-General of ASEAN and the Federation of Japanese Chambers of Commerce and Industry in ASEAN (FJCCIA) in Jarkarta.

The FJCCIA is comprised of 10 Japanese chambers of commerce and industry from 9 countries in the ASEAN region. The FJCCIA aims to improve the business environment for Japanese companies in the ASEAN region and holds a dialogue with the ASEAN Secretary-General every year. This year, FJCCIA Chairman, Mr. Takero Sawamura, President of the Japanese Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Malaysia (JCCI-Malaysia) proposed to Secretary-General Kao the following issues in anticipation of the development of the AEC 2025 Agenda that would set the ASEAN Economic Community's (AEC) 2025 policies as below.

1. Seamless connection between single market and production hub
2. Six pillars from the recommendation of President
- Connection between single market and production hub
- Green Economy and Sustainability
- Digital Economy, Innovation, and Emerging Technologies
- Active role of ASEAN in the global community
- ASEAN with a strong abundant human resource
- Inclusive and Equitable development

In addition, Mr. TO Kozo, JCC President would like to promote GX (Green Transformation) also.