Message from the President

Message from the President

The 53th President Mr. Soji Sakai

The Japanese Chamber of Commerce, Bangkok (JCC) is one of the largest Japanese chambers of commerce abroad consisting of 1,748 member companies (as of April 30, 2017). Since its establishment in 1954, the JCC has contributed to not only trade, investments and economic development of the two countries but also cultural exchange, education development and other social activities for over half a century.

As you are aware, the Thai government is currently working on upgrading and enhancing the value added of industries under the policy “Thailand 4.0,” more specifically they have specified ten potential industries as the engine of growth and are attracting investments in these industries with the aim of escaping from the middle income trap. Especially for three eastern provinces along the Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC), the government is active in attracting industries and development infrastructures to drive the country’s economic growth.

The Japanese companies in Thailand should also believe that it is crucial for Thailand to upgrade and enhance the value added of industries in order to survive fierce competition with its neighboring countries and totally agree with the government’s initiatives for “Thailand 4.0.” The JCC will seek to contribute to the further development of Thailand by actively delivering our expectations on the government’s economic policies and ensuring good business environments for the member companies. Especially for the digital and medical industries as well as the Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC), the JCC has newly set up their respective dedicated committees.

The year 2017 marks the 130th anniversary of Thailand and Japan diplomatic relations. At the press conference in January, the JCC announced that the commemorative social project named “Tsunagu (Connecting) Project” would be launched and implemented for the coming ten years with the unprecedented budget of THB 120 million. This year, the first year of the project, the JCC will address not only existing activities such as scholarship programs but also new social activities including “support to vocational schools for people with disabilities (PWDs)” and “repair work of Japanese Village in Ayuthaya.”

Definitely these activities depend on the obliging cooperation by each of the member companies. Our members’ voices are crucial for these activities to become successful. It would be highly appreciated it if you provide your comments, suggestions and requests to us.

We would appreciate your continuous support, cooperation and active participation in our activities.

May 2017