Message from the President

Message from the President

The 59th President Mr. Noriaki Yamashita

Japanese Chamber of Commerce, Bangkok (JCC) is an organization with more than half a century history since its establishment in 1954. We are one of the largest overseas Japanese Chambers of Commerce in the world, with 1,651 member companies (as of end-March 2023). We develop a wide range of activities, including not only activities that contribute to trade, investment and economic development between Thailand and Japan, but also social contribution projects such as cultural exchange and educational support.

The pandemic of the COVID-19 which has blocked the world for a long time, is recovering on many fronts. However, according to the economic trend survey conducted by the JCC, the recovery progress varies from sector to sector, and our business activities and private life are still in a very difficult situation due to the unstable exchangerate, etc. The JCC recognizes the importance of providing useful information to our member companies in a timely manner and of implementing activities in line with their needs.

Therefore, this year, the JCC will promote useful activities that are attractive to our member companies, as the source of our strength lies in the active participation of each and every member. The JCC will provide member companies with opportunities for 'fruitful exchanges' and 'collection and provision of useful business information' as much as possible, and will strive to support members.

The JCC will eagerly tackle the issue of improving the business environment for Japanese companies in Thailand. We have held discussions with the Thai government on various issues such as taxation, labour and customs. In addition, the JCC is committed to providing up-to-date information and exchanging our views on Thailand's BCG (Bio-Circular-Green) Economic Strategy and carbon neutral initiatives with them. This year, through discussions with the Thai government, we will continue our efforts to improve the business environment in Thailand for our member companies to improve their business management.

The JCC also will continue to carry out our social contribution activities for Thai society, such as awarding scholarships to local university students, conducting "lunch project" to local primary schools and holding lectures in the Thai universities financially maintained by the JCC, in order to show our gratitude to Thai society for the Thai peoplesʼ understanding of the business activities of Japanese companies. This year, we will discuss and improve our social contribution activities to offer the projects that are “unique-to-JCC" in response to the actual situation and the demands of the Thai society.

We, as the JCC, will continue to actively develop our actions to meet the expectations of our member.
We look forward to your warm support and active participation in JCCʼs activity.

May 2023