Message from the President

Message from the President

The 55th President Mr. Shinji Nakano

The Japanese Chamber of Commerce, Bangkok (JCC) is, currently, one of the largest Japanese chambers of commerce abroad consisting with a membership of over 1,772 companies. Since its establishment in 1954, the JCC has actively engaged in projects that contribute to the economic development of Thailand, such as investment in environmental improvements, trade promotion, and social contribution activities for the Thai people, such as education support, for 65 years.

2019 is a milestone year when Japan and Thailand will begin a new era. In May, the new Emperor will accede to the throne in Japan, and in Thailand, the coronation ceremony will be held for His Majesty the King of Thailand. It is the first time in 69 years since the royal crowning ceremony of the late King Bhumibol in 1950 that the royal crowning ceremony will be held in Thailand. I am very happy to be stationed here in Thailand on such a memorable occasion, and I would like to offer you my heartiest congratulations on this wonderful day, together with the Thai people and Japanese companies in Thailand.

In addition, in Thailand, the general election was held on March 24, and the government will be formed through an election for the first time in five years. JCC has been actively working on "improvement of the business environment through request activities" until now, but even under the new administration to be established in the near future, we will promptly make an offer for meetings, and I want to deliver the voice of the Japanese companies in Thailand. In addition to continuation of policies such as “Thailand 4.0”, “EEC, Eastern Economic Corridor”, etc., which the Thai government has worked on until now, we will request the Thai government to work further on human resource development and infrastructure development, so that Thailand will be a competitive country for ten years and twenty years in the future.

This year Thailand will host the presidency of ASEAN. I would like the Thai government to show its leadership in ASEAN more than ever and be the leader of free trade in the region. JCC plans to hold a dialogue in Thailand between the FJCCIA (Association of Japanese Chamber of Commerce and Industry) and H.E. Mr. Lim, Secretary-General of ASEAN. This dialogue began in 2008, with the JCC calling on 10 Japanese Chambers of Commerce in the ASEAN region, and this will be the 12th time, and the third in Thailand. I would like to cooperate with the Japanese Chamber of Commerce in each region to convey our requests to the ASEAN Secretariat and ASEAN countries so that economic activities in the ASEAN region will run smoothly.

Needless to say, these activities are based on the cooperation of all the members. If you have any problems with business, I would like to hear your honest opinion through either the section, committee, various surveys, or the secretariat, etc.

We would appreciate your continuous support, cooperation and active participation in our activities.

May 2019