Message from the President

Message from the President

The 57th President Mr. Kazuo Hidaka

The Japanese Chamber of Commerce, Bangkok (JCC) is currently the world's largest overseas Japanese Chamber of Commerce and Industry, with 1,678 member companies (as of the end of April 2021).For more than 60 years since its establishment in 1954, the JCC has supported a wide range of businesses that contribute to the economic development of Thailand, such as promoting trade between Japan and Thailand and improving the investment environment in Thailand, as well as actively engaging in social contribution activities, such as educational support for Thai people.

The Covid-19 pandemic currently raging around the world has severely restricted business and economic activity, causing a major blow not only to Thailand but also to the entire global economy. In Thailand, there have been signs of recovery since the second half of the last fiscal year, but the future remains uncertain.

In such a situation, we, the JCC will strive to understand the business needs of our members, in addition to our existing activities such as Japan-Thailand business meetings and support for recruiting human resources and will consider and implement projects that will help support your business as much as possible. Firstly, with the vaccination program starting in Thailand and Japan, we will ask the respective governments of Japan and Thailand to implement various policies to prepare for the "Covid-19 crisis" and "Post-Covid-19 world", such as proposing a scheme to resume international travel. On the other hand, we will continue to engage actively in dialogue and the exchange of opinions with the Thai Government regarding development of the business environment in Thailand, including taxation, tariffs, and labor issues.

We will also continue our support activities for the longer-term development of Thailand. As competition with neighboring countries becomes increasingly fierce, the Thai Government has adopted the "Thailand 4.0" policy, which aims to increase the sophistication and added value of industry overall, as well as the new "BCG (Bio- Circular-Green) Economy" policy, which aims to achieve sustainable growth with consideration for the environment, etc. We, the JCC, together with our member companies, will support these new initiatives by Thailand, and will actively promote projects that will contribute to the future development of Thailand.

We will also actively implement social contribution activities to support the people of Thailand. Therefore, in order to express our gratitude to Thai society for their understanding of the business activities of Japanese companies, we will continue to engage in activities such as "awarding scholarships to local students" and "Japanese Business Management Course for the Thai Universities".

We are determined to actively promote activities that meet the expectations of our member companies. We would like to ask all member companies for their continued warm support and active participation in our activities.

May 2021